America's Roundtable
America's Roundtable Co-Hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy
We found 10 episodes of America's Roundtable with the tag “joel anand samy”.
Hon. Maurice McTigue | Erosion of the Rule of Law in America | Threats to Freedom of Speech | Advancing Reforms and Competition — Impacting America's States
February 13th, 2021 | 31 mins 18 secs
1st amendment, accountability, america, america’s roundtable, australia, big tech, canada, ceo, communication, competition, democratic institutions, economic policy, economy, election integrity, energy, entrepreneurs, eos, executive orders, first amendment, free market, freedom of speech, george mason university, google, honorable maurice mctigue, international leaders summit, jobs, joe biden, joel anand samy, keystone pipeline xl, legislation, mercatus center, monopolies, natasha srdoc, new zealand, new zealand miracle, oil and gas exploration, paris climate agreement, president trump, public utility, queen elizabeth ii, queen’s service order, reforms, regulation, rule of law, sanctity of the ballot, section 230, small business, state reforms, taxation, the white house, transparency, transportation, trucking, us, us congress, usa, voter distrust, white house office of management and budget
U.S. Congressman Mike Bost | Veterans Affairs Reform — Healthcare | Economy & Jobs | China Threats | Biden's Executive Orders
February 9th, 2021 | 16 mins 26 secs
america, america’s roundtable, appeasement, canada, china, congressman mike bost, economy, election integrity, energy prices, energy-intensive industry, entrepreneurs, eos, executive orders, healthcare reform, house committee on transportation and infrastructure, house committee on veterans’ affairs, illinois, international leaders summit, israel, jobs, joe biden, joel anand samy, keystone pipeline xl, killing jobs, minimum wage, natasha srdoc, oil and gas exploration, paris climate agreement, president trump, reforms, representative, rule of law, small business, steel pipes, subcontractors, taxation, transportation, trucking, us, us congress, usa, veteran affairs, veterans
Congressman David Brat | US Economy ad Jobs | Biden's Executive Orders | The China Threat
January 30th, 2021 | 27 mins 19 secs
accountability, america, america’s roundtable, business, china, congressman david brat, consent of the governed, corruption, covid-19, criminal capitalism, declaration of independence, democrats, eastern europe, economic growth, economic liberty, economy, election integrity, executive orders, fraudulent elections, free and fair elections, free markets, freedom, freedom of speech, green energy, independent judiciary, international leaders summit, jerusalem leaders summit, jobs, joe biden, joel anand samy, judeo-christian values, keystone xl pipeline, law enforcement, mail-in votes, mainstream media, marxism, michigan, natasha srdoc, pelosi, pennsylvania, president trump, religious freedom, republicans, rule of law, socialism, tax increase, trump administration, us, us constitution, usa, virginia, washington d.c. swamp
Governor Phil Bryant | The 1776 Commission | The Role of US Governors and State Educational Departments in Advancing Patriotic Education | Freedom and The Rule of Law
January 25th, 2021 | 26 mins 56 secs
1619 project debunked, 1776 commission, 1776 report, 1st amendment, 2nd amendment, america, america’s roundtable, big government, big tech, bill of rights, bryant songy snell gloal partners, car makers, consent of the governed, continental tires, corruption, education, founding fathers, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, geography, george washington, governor phil bryant, history, homeschooling, international leaders summit, jerusalem leaders summit, joel anand samy, mississippi, natasha srdoc, nissan, patriotic education, peace, ports, president donald trump, rule of law, school choice, schools, social media, social studies, state educational departments, state governors, thomas jefferson, us, us constitution, usa, washington dc, yokohama
America's Roundtable Radio | 2020 Highlights - Extended Version
January 22nd, 2021 | 30 mins 40 secs
abraham accords, ambassador ken blackwell, america, america’s roundtable, arizona, arkansas, bahrain, big tech, california, canada, cheryl chumley, china, congressman dave brat, corruption, criminal justice reform, dc, donald trump jr., economic growth, elections, employment, eric trump, first step act, florida, fracking, fraud, freedom, freedom of speech, gas and oil, georgia, government, governor phil bryant, harmeet dhillon, healthcare reform, illinois, indiana, international leaders summit, investments, israel, jerusalem, jerusalem leaders summit, jobs, joe biden, joel anand samy, judeo-christian values, judge henry saad, kellyanne conway, keystone xl pipeline, law and order, liberty, maga, make america great again, mexico, michigan, mississippi, morocco, nafta, natasha srdoc, nevada, new york, ohio, opportunity zones, peace, peace through strength, pennsylvania, president donald trump, rule of law, secretary ben carson, section 230, socialism, tax cuts and jobs act, texas, the washington times, trade, u.a.e., ukraine, united states-mexico-canada agreement, us, us congress, us exports, usa, usmca, virginia, washington, washington dc, wisconsin
America's Roundtable Radio | 2020 Highlights
January 21st, 2021 | 14 mins 37 secs
abraham accords, ambassador ken blackwell, america, america’s roundtable, arizona, arkansas, bahrain, big tech, california, canada, cheryl chumley, china, congressman dave brat, corruption, criminal justice reform, dc, donald trump jr., economic growth, elections, employment, eric trump, first step act, florida, fracking, fraud, freedom, freedom of speech, gas and oil, georgia, government, governor phil bryant, harmeet dhillon, healthcare reform, illinois, indiana, international leaders summit, investments, israel, jerusalem, jerusalem leaders summit, jobs, joe biden, joel anand samy, judeo-christian values, judge henry saad, kellyanne conway, keystone xl pipeline, law and order, liberty, maga, make america great again, mexico, michigan, mississippi, morocco, nafta, natasha srdoc, nevada, new york, ohio, opportunity zones, peace, peace through strength, pennsylvania, president donald trump, rule of law, secretary ben carson, section 230, socialism, tax cuts and jobs act, texas, the washington times, trade, u.a.e., ukraine, united states-mexico-canada agreement, us, us congress, us exports, usa, usmca, virginia, washington, washington dc, wisconsin
Governor Phil Bryant | US State Governors: Leadership on Expanding Trade, Increasing American Exports and Attracting Investments | American Leadership — The Abraham Accords
January 2nd, 2021 | 26 mins 19 secs
abraham accords, afghanistan, america, america’s roundtable, bahrain, brexit, brussels, bryant songy snell gloal partners, canada, capital, car makers, china, commonwealth of nations, commonwealth society, continental tires, dubai, economic growth, eu, fdi, governor phil bryant, hong kong, india, international leaders summit, investments, israel, jerusalem, jerusalem leaders summit, job creation, joel anand samy, london, mexico, mississippi, morocco, nafta, natasha srdoc, new delhi, nissan, peace, ports, president donald trump, saudi arabia, south korea, taiwan, tajikistan, trade, trade delegation, u.a.e., united kingdom, united states-mexico-canada agreement, us, us exports, usa, usmca, washington dc, wealth, yokohama
Mayor Oded Revivi, Efrat, Israel | Strengthening US and Israel Ties | The Abraham Accords — Regional Stability and Economic Prosperity in the Middle East
December 26th, 2020 | 17 mins 12 secs
abraham accords, america, america’s roundtable, arab league of nations, arabs, bahrain, bds movement, boycott, commerce, diplomacy, divest, economic opportunity, economy, efrat, healthcare, india, international leaders summit, israel, israeli, jerusalem, jews, joel anand samy, judea and samaria, mayor, middle east, morocco, natasha srdoc, oded revivi, oman, palestinians, peace, peace through strength, president trump, qatar, rule of law, sanction, saudi arabia, tech investment, trade, u.a.e., united arab emirates, us, usa, vice president joe biden, west bank
David Blumberg | California's Tech Exodus | Venture Capital Tech - Reflections on 2020 and Predictions for 2021 | Abraham Accords — Israel and the Middle East
December 26th, 2020 | 21 mins 3 secs
2020, abraham accords, america, america’s roundtable, blumberg capital, burdensome regulation, california, david blumberg, elon musk, entrepreneurship, florida, forecast 2021, founder, hewlett packard, high taxation, innovation, international leaders summit, investment, investor, israel, joel anand samy, miami, middle east, natasha srdoc, new york, palantir, president trump, pro-growth economic policies, san francisco, tech exodus, tel aviv, tesla, texas, us, usa, venture capital
Congressman David Brat | US Economy | Erosion of Free Markets | Rule of Law — International Leaders Summit | Virtual Summit 2020
December 17th, 2020 | 18 mins 15 secs
2020 elections, america, america’s roundtable, china, congressman david brat, corruption, covid-19, economy, first amendment, freedom of speech, independent judiciary, international leaders summit, israel, joel anand samy, judeo-christian values, mainstream media, michigan, natasha srdoc, pennsylvania, president trump, religious freedom, rule of law, trump administration, us, us constitution, usa, v-shape recovery, virginia